Visual Arts
The Visual Arts Program at PS 197 strives to provide all students in grades Pre-Kindergarten through Fifth grade with a diverse range of visual arts experiences from drawing and painting to printmaking, sculpture and textile work. Students are given foundational skills in art practices, concepts and techniques that scaffold from year to year.
Please visit Ms. Alfredsons class webpage for more information on her exciting work at PS 197!
Blueprint for the Arts
The curriculum adheres to New York City’s Blueprint for the Arts as well as the principles of Common Core.
Blueprint for the Arts
Art Exhibitions
Each year at PS 197 we hold two major art exhibitions coinciding with the Winter and Spring Galas.
Student artwork is also exhibited on year-round. We are proud to have had student work from PS 197 selected for exhibition at the Metropolitan Museum of Art through PS Art, Brooklyn Borough Hall through the Brooklyn Borough Arts Festival and at the District 22 Arts Exhibition.