We are growing Cucumbers!
In partnership with NY Sun Works, children learn, experience and facilitate Urban Farming hands on by planting, cultivating, harvesting and preparing a wide variety of herbs, leafy greens, fruits and vegetables alongside Mrs. Prisco - our Hydroponics teacher!
Butterhead Lettuce!
We are growing plenty of Basil!!
What is Hydroponics?
Hydroponics is the science of farming without soil! Instead of soil we utilize nutrient-rich water!
We are very proud to have 2 Tower Gardens for growing herbs and flowers, 3 NFT's (Nutrient Film Technique) for leafy greens, and 1 VCS (Vine Crop System) for fruits and vegetables!
Children learn and apply all aspects of Urban Farming - from planting seeds in rockwool to testing and adding nutrients to the systems, harvesting the crops, collecting and recording crop data, and preparing different dishes using what they've picked!